Monday, October 14, 2013

Land of Racism, Home of Haters

A group of white American citizens gathered yesterday to exercise their Constitutional rights of assembly and free speech, exposing to the world the true colors of the Republican party: racism and hate.

Exhorted by the likes of Ted Cruz and Sarah Palin, they flaunted the ultimate symbol of racism, the flag of the Confederacy.  They cheered a speaker whose message to President Obama was, “put the Quran down … get up off  (your) knees, and …  come out with (your) hands up.”

This is how the most ignorant and mean-spirited among us deal with their frustrations at having their most cherished and most noxious notions rebuffed in the democratic process: 40 losing votes in the House on repealing the Affordable Care Act, repeated refusals by the Congress to attach draconian social issue caveats to proposed spending bills that could have ended the government shutdown they caused.

They are no longer just a loud and vexing minority. They are a national disgrace,

They and the propaganda tanks like the National Heritage Foundation, which pull their puppet strings, provided the impetus for the governmental follies that have destroyed whatever influence and prestige the United States once retained among the nations of the world.  All it has left is the capacity of bombs, nukes, drones and military incursions to create ever smaller "coalitions of the willing" in the manner of playground bullies.

Forget the moral high ground.  We relinquished the last vestiges of that a decade or more ago. We are an empty suit in the eyes of the civilized world.  "Land of the free and home of the brave" is an international laughing stock.  "The beacon of democracy" in Washington is a flickering myth. "Hope of the free world" is an outright lie.  We are morally bankrupt.  We have allowed two successive administrations to whittle away our civil rights, cancel the Constitutional balance of powers, create a ruling corporate oligarchy and turn most of the public into lemmings and sheep.  Those who dare to dfissent are bullied into silence or jailed. (The Occupy movement.) Those who speak the truth, to Power and to us, are jailed or forced to flee into exile. (Ed Snowden, Chelsea Manning.) A subservient mainstream press has enlisted full throat in the conspiracy to hide these unpleasant truths from us. (Miller to Sanger to Fox.)

This is the legacy of those who made a spectacle of themselves Sunday in Washington. Their brothers and sisters in ignorance all through this land watched approvingly.  But abroad in lands where wisdom and prudence  are more cherished than they are here, observers turned their heads from this ugly demonstration of racism and hate in a country many of them once admired. Japan and China, holders of roughly two-thirds of our national debt, have warned our so-called leaders to grow up, but to no avail.

If the nations of the world are going to solve the great problems confronting them -- war, starvation, massive global climate change, poverty, human rights abuses -- they will have do do so without the leadership or even the cooperation of the United States.

It can't even figure out how to pay its bills on time.  Some superpower.


  1. Mr. Pianist, those who simply want to blame the Pubes (Republicans) simply do not get it! Fortunately though we are a land with “freedom of speech”, or so we thought. Zealots on both ends of the ideology spectrum have taken control of both our Presidency and our Congress (yes it is a Democratic Senate and Republican House that represent a national 5-10% approval rating.

    We have seen a decline in our moral fiber over the course of the last 50 years. Marriage is now the exception for long term relationships rather than the rule. Children are normally raised by a biological mother without a stable father figure throughout their childhood. Biological fathers in many cases are relegated to minority status through the mother’s using the children against the father and/or his or her series of relationships. Prayer or saying the Pledge of Allegiance are considered a violation of free speech!

    OBAMACARE – Most of us Americans knew that many things needed to be changed in our healthcare environment, especially the cost. WE HAVE SEEN WHAT HAPPENS WHEN OUR GOVERNMENT IS INVOLVED IN HEALTHCARE! The strategy of the Pubes, the Jack Ass’s, and the ?President? have been a gross abuse of time and power. The Pubes have spent 2 years sulking over the Supreme Court verdict. The President sees it as his legacy and wants it to be forced on Americans even if it ends the ‘full time job’, and the Democratic Senate have no individual backbone to curtail the debt or look at options to the Unaffordable Care Act.

    The 50 states should simply create an interstate option that totally revamps the entitlement society to become an employed empowered society. Much of the tax money that has gone to Washington would stay in the states. The states can establish a medical insurance, unemployment insurance, food stamp program that is good for all states and directly competes against private insurance companies as a viable option. States such as West Virginia that does not have the resources as of others could be supported through the 50 state plan. This would keep the Federal Govt. and the IRS out of state business.

    The Pubes are right to make this fight! This TAX is a ‘train wreck’, and the greater tax will be the loss of full time jobs as a result.

    Mr. Pianist, I ask you again a fundamental question. If the Jack Ass’s that can not even generate a budget in the Senate and control Washington D.C. continue to rack up debt without a care in the world with their asking a “Clean C.R.” ……..What do think will be the end result of our reckless spending? What will happen if investors ask for their money back? Could an end result be that a country like China that owns a majority of the debt asks for a state like California and/or a state like Texas that has the resources they dearly need as collateral?

    1. Reckless spending? You haven't heard about the so-called "sequester?"

  2. Let's save the laughing for the Nov. 1 numbers of who has signed up for Obamacare and signed a check for it.

    We need to also know the numbers as a percentile that were youth.....the ones that were supposed to be paying for others to use healthcare since most of youth are fairly healthy and would not be using it for several years.

    Do not get confused with how many people visited the site. Nov. should be a real laugher!
